Catch Up

Well, it's Monday. The Monday after a holiday weekend. Those Monday's are always filled with mixed feelings for me. On one hand, I love being back to work because I miss the kids that I nanny for when I'm gone, but on the other hand holiday's are SO very nice!

Thanksgiving was great! Everything went well and everyone got along and had a great time. I wasn't expecting any problems but when you put three families together all with different traditions and expectations...well, there's potential. But all went peachy fine.

So my darling husband and I braved BLACK FRIDAY (cue scary music) and we actually got 90% of our Christmas shopping done. We got to the mall area at 7 AM and were completely done and on our way home by 1030 AM!

We spent the weekend just chillin' cause we don't get to do that very often. We went to Lowe's and got our tree yesterday. I'll post a picture when I get the house all decorated, or at least the tree. I didnt' decorate it last night because it was wet and needed to dry out a bit. It makes the living room smell SO wonderful!

I think that's all you guys need to be caught up on...nothing else too terribly exciting. Though I did finish another two layouts over the weekend. I'll have to post them so y'all can take a look. Tomorrow I'll post pictures, I promise.

