10 Random Things
I've been reading alot of other blogs and keep coming across this, so I thought I'd do it on mine every once in a while, on different subjects: Today its about me and my quirks. Enjoy.
I don’t like white chocolate
I love the sunshine and being warm. I could live somewhere where it didn’t get below 78 degrees very easily
I can’t ever seem to get my library books back on time
I HATE, ABHOR AND DETEST cleaning bathrooms
A little snack baggie of walnuts and chocolate chips is my go-to snack for blogging
If I could I would travel ALL the time
I like hiking DOWN things, not up. For example, the Grand Canyon, you hike down it. Yes, I know you have to hike back up, but you hike down first.
I don’t know how to ski
I am a very good swimmer, but I don’t like to put my head underwater.
I am the queen of useless pieces of information. For example: Crickets and Katydids have their ears on their elbows, but Locust have them on their abdomen. And: MTV first debuted in 1981
Monday, November 20, 2006
Odd bits
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