A Day
Do you ever have one of those days that just a day? Not good, not bad, just...a day. That's what today is.
The kids and I are all bundled up in the house because it's EXTREMELY windy here at work. And when I say windy, I mean: if it's not nailed down, it's floating around. They closed the Hood Canal bridge earlier today and the winds in Bellingham have reached 62 mph! I really don't mind so much, it's kinda nice to sit and blog with my cup of tea while the wind whistles around the corners of the house.
Let's see, not much else going on around here...came in late to work today, the parents have meetings late this evening. Hoping I can still get home in time for CSI and Myth Busters. Both those shows have kinda become a tradition with husyband and myself.
Books I'm currently reading: "The Teenage Liberation Handbook" by Grace Llewellyn and "Real-Life Homeschooling" by Rhonda Barfield - both are most interesting, thoughts on them later perhaps.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The Job
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